Rutland Big Band at St Peter’s Church, Empingham, 8pm on Monday 2nd September 2019
The biggest band from the smallest county...
Tickets £10 each, cash or cheques made payable to “Empingham PCC”
All proceeds to St Peter’s Church funds.
Contacts: Nick Meyrick or John Haward
Nick on 01780 460354 or email
John on 01780 460502 or email
Activities at Empingham Methodist Church
A warm welcome awaits to share in one or all of the Services
Minister: Rev'd Leo Osborn: 01572 720721
Sunday services during September 2019
1st 10.45am MORNING WORSHIP with Rev. Barry Gent, including Holy
8th 10.45am CAFÉ CHURCH with Mr Phil Jones, in Church, but different, with coffee, tea, cake and discussion
15th 4pm Tea Time Church with Rev. Leo Osborn - Service for young families including AcZviZes,Singing and Fun and Bring &
Share Tea.
22nd 10.45am CAFÉ CHURCH with Rev. Andy Fyall Church, but different, with coffee, tea, cake and discussion.
29th 6pm CIRCUIT PRAISE – informal workshop, music group, modern songs and tesZmony.
Activities throughout the year
Mondays: Post Office 2-4pm - refreshments, second-hand books, photocopying & laminating service available.
3rd Wednesday each month: 10.30am Holy Communion Service.
Thursdays: 10.30-12 noon Toddler Group (during term-time only) begins again on 5th September. £1 per family. For more information
contact Eileen Ray: 01780 460676.